Posts tagged ‘anarchist poetry’

Scope my Patreon dudes

Daily haiku are now posted on my Patreon page cause I need money to pay bills yall!

Consider a $5 a month level where you get access to all of my patreon posts. It would make a big difference to my budget.

10 people at $5 a month would allow me to pay off medical debt my family has incurred a little bit each month.

I am updating the posts this weekend with days I have missed, cause online posting can be harder to do than writing on paper for me. But I am taking my paper poems and digitizing them!


I post free things all the time, participate in community events, and do my best to share freely with the world. Lets be real, poetry is not glorified much in our culture. I can’t make a living slinging my poems. In fact I work full time for a construction non profit to try to pay all my bills. Which leaves me minimal free time. I spend a good bit of my free time creating, with words, herbs, food, and found items.

If this inspires you to share $5+ bucks a month with me, my efforts will be that much more sustainable.

There will be more benefits added along the way;; so join now and stay tuned!!


How many women

Have toxic relationships

With abusive men?

It feels like most do.

epidemic of mental

Health and poverty



I create

Food, drink, herbal products

Without measurements

Knowing this is an unreplicable fools method

Method to the madness is madness




Is killing us. Our shit is

So petty and real.


Going to doctor

Probable diagnosis



Shoulders straining suit

Jacket. Inhibited by

Clothes and conforming.


House hunt is hurried

Seek opportunity and

Leap. compete or die.


Organizing is

Not just smoke and mirrors and

Public image tho.
And hierarchy does

Not look good on anyone. 

Grasping at power. 
Do the work. Show up.

Then you won’t have to make false

Claims of importance.


In 5th grade I wore

Garlic on a thread around

My neck. Vampire fear.


I’m anti-fascist

Pro-immigrant, pro-woman,

Pro-justice, pro-peace