Archive for October, 2013

Wingnut Kid Kits – cause saying all ages isn’t enough

Its always been important to me for radical and anarchist events to be all ages. I think multi-generational is key, and kids need to get to be included, and also their caretakers need to be available too!

Kids and their caretakers have a lot to contribute. But everyone else needs to do b our best to be welcoming.

Far too often radical and anarchist events are inaccessible in a multitude of ways. Often this includes being anti-kid. This will be deliberate sometimes, through rude comments, etc.

Other times the anti-kid attitude is subconscious or just from ignorance- meetings late, nothing for kids to do, etc.

Tied up in the anti-kid stuff is a multitude of oppressive intersectional stuff too.

Anyways, in an effort to up my contribution to kid friendly radical spaces, I want to put togethet Wingnut Kid Kits to distribute to all kinds of groups so they can give them out to kids when they show up to events.

If anyone has ideas for more stuff to be included please let me know. I’d also be interested in any donations of materials for the kits.

Stuff I need so far:

Manila envelopes that will fit 8.5 by 11 paper



Coloring book pages or activity pages

Generally speaking I would prefer content of semi-radical character, or at least that doesn’t perpetuate colonialist, gender binary, racist, sexist, heterosexist bullhockey. Would prefer content featuring a variety of types of people and radical themes.

If you have zines or drawings I could include please be in touch!

Mokarnage (@)


Mo Karnage

2005 Barton Ave

Richmond, va 23222

Ideas for more potential content appreciated. I’m thinking just stuff that isn’t too messy or bulky.

I also will include a letter to the caretaker. So if you have a zine or essay that might be something interesting or useful for caretakers who bring kids to radical events please let me know!

Public Spending on Professional Sports in Richmond, Virginia

Quail Belle Magazine was kind enough to post this article I wrote about public spending, sports, racism, sexism, and transphobia. Please check it out and share with friends!

Anthology on Anarchist Collectives- now accepting submissions!

So I want to put together an anthology of essays on collective living in anarchist spaces. I haven’t seen one that was like a super helpful/informative guide or something with advice, shared lessons learned, examples of how different spaces pull it off. I’ll edit and try to have published via PM Press or AK Press.

Anyone who wants to submit a proposal should email me at .

Please share this with folks you know who live in anarchist collectives. I will be emailing all the anarchist collectives I can get info on from slingshot, but I know that won’t reach everyone who might be interested in this project!

Sober Spaces in the Punk and Anarchist Scenes Updated from Cuddle Puddles and Hot Pants # 2

This is an article I wrote a loong time ago, like 6 or 7 years ago for the second issue of a zine I wrote called Cuddle Puddles and Hot Pants. Recently some friends asked for permission to use it for the website. I supported that of course, but I wanted to give the article a look over to do any editing or updating that might be needed. So here is the updated version, and please check out for more rad articles.

Sober Spaces in the Punk and Anarchist scenes

Within the punk and anarchist scenes there are many activities that are of interest to a broad spectrum of individuals- including people who drink/smoke/use drugs, people who never have, and people who are recovering addicts to certain substances. The problem is that many of these activities end up being organized in such a way that they are only accessible to people who drink, smoke, or do drugs – or are willing/able to tolerate those who do so. This means that there are significant sections of the populations who are either put in situations that are uncomfortable and lead to mental and physical health problems, even relapse, or are not able to attend at all. It splits our community and it limits our community. This is even a bad situation for people who do drink/smoke/do drugs. Because if they are not exposed to people who are sober they may not realize that they don’t always have to get fucked up to have a good time. (more…)

Columbus Day in RVA – Same Shit Different White Man

Columbus Day//Indigenous People’s Day

Another Columbus Day is coming (October 14th yall), and with it a perpetuation of the white lies (emphasis on white) we tell our children and ourselves. This year, I urge you to stop, to reconsider our practices and to start telling our children and ourselves the ugly truth. Because in the case of Columbus and other colonizers and slave owners, the truth is ugly as hell and the lies we tell do hurt.

Christopher Columbus was genocidal, racist, a rapist and a slave owner. This is not new information. Many people are aware of the actual legacy of bloodshed left behind by Columbus. Entire peoples, like the Taino in what is now known as Puerto Rico, were wiped out through the brutal practices of Columbus and his men and the diseases they brought with them. Columbus was one of the initiators of the colonization and imperialism of the Western hemisphere. It was the colonists who attacked, enslaved, raped, killed, and stole from the indigenous peoples in North and South America, as well as then created the desire to build the massive slave trade from Africa.

In Richmond, our statue of Christoper Columbus, on Boulevard, is just one of many pieces of public art that pay homage to men who don’t deserve the honor. Columbus day is just another reminder of the complexities of racism and how that current runs strong in 2013. (more…)

BBQ Sweet Potato Recipe on Profane Existence

Check out the recipe for this delicious vegan (cheap) dish!

Om nom it up!

Post Card Project

I have a lot of post cards and I’d like to start sending them out more.

If you want a postcard with a note or poem, send me your address! mokarnage [at]


Fragments of Karnage Zine now out!

My newest zine, Fragments of Karnage, a poetry compilation is now out.

In person, $2

by mail, $3

2005 Barton Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 to order

28 half size pages, black and white, handwritten, compilation of finished and unfinished poems in a variety of formats from my many notebooks, and a few drawings as well.

subject matter includes, bikes, queers, richmond, southern, anarchist, social justice, prison, genderqueer, sobriety, veganism,fragmentsofkarnage dogs, etc.

New Article on Profane Existence

Just finished an article for Profane Existence on the Vice article about Miley Cyrus being punk.