Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Books for sale on Amazon

Check out my two books for sale on Amazon! Paperbacks or virtual versions available!

Back In Business!!!!

Other people are cool or whatever, but I am over working for them!!!

So I quit!

I’m going back into working for myself Full Time! As Karnage Construction! I have a Class A License and can do anything from odd jobs to whole houses!

Also starting a line of work I am calling Butch for Hire! See below!

Gaia Gathering 2022

Very excited to be part of the amazing organizing team for the 2022 Gaia Gathering of the Blue Ridge!

Check it out and sign up for a ticket when registration goes live, tickets will go fast!

My Old Book Now Newly Published!

Yall, I thought I had lost all digital copies of my old book, The South is Still Rising: Radical and Anarchist Movements in Richmond, VA from 1994-2004. The independent, IWW union print shop I used to publish the first 2 editions is out of business. Thanks to extra time during this quarantine, I have been able to find it!! And the cover artwork my friend Will Gowdy designed for me! So now my book is available on amazon as a paperback and kindle as an ebook. I am not loving amazon, but I do not have another way I can afford to get my book out there into the world at this time. There are hard copies of this and my newer haiku book at Small Friend Books and Records and Chop Suey Books two local Richmond book stores I love.

Amazon link here:

The South is Still Rising Book

This book was something I researched and wrote as my Div 3 at Hampshire College – basically a senior thesis if you will. It has info on food not bombs, civil rights, critical mass, queer liberation, earth liberation, anti war and other movements in Richmond. Please review and rate if you have read it, and consider buying to help me out if you can

Freegan in the news

I was recently on the local public news show:

Let me know what you think!

Southern Gothic Futurism Haiku Battle Championship November 23rd in CVille

Ya boi made the championships!!! I have been losing a TON lately at the haiku slams. But maybe I can pull some tricks and win this mega championship and the prize $$$$ arooooo!

November 23rd, 8pm, Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar in Cville. All the mega, epic haiku battling bests from Virginia will be there. Come pay homage and witness the brutality of cousins fighting it out 17 syllables at a time.

FYI Raven changed the champion title from Chief to Champ, which he explains in a post on the facebook event page which you can find here:

Scope my Patreon dudes

Daily haiku are now posted on my Patreon page cause I need money to pay bills yall!

Consider a $5 a month level where you get access to all of my patreon posts. It would make a big difference to my budget.

10 people at $5 a month would allow me to pay off medical debt my family has incurred a little bit each month.

I am updating the posts this weekend with days I have missed, cause online posting can be harder to do than writing on paper for me. But I am taking my paper poems and digitizing them!


I post free things all the time, participate in community events, and do my best to share freely with the world. Lets be real, poetry is not glorified much in our culture. I can’t make a living slinging my poems. In fact I work full time for a construction non profit to try to pay all my bills. Which leaves me minimal free time. I spend a good bit of my free time creating, with words, herbs, food, and found items.

If this inspires you to share $5+ bucks a month with me, my efforts will be that much more sustainable.

There will be more benefits added along the way;; so join now and stay tuned!!

Vegan queer witch in RVA

No, not me. Well, yes, me. But an out of town visitor I am very excited about is coming next weekend! David Salisbury is the author of Witchcraft Activism and will be speaking on October 25th at the Poe Museum and then also tabling at the Hallows Market on the 27th.

Vegan queer witch in RVA

No, not me. Well, yes, me. But an out of town visitor I am very excited about is coming next weekend! David Salisbury is the author of Witchcraft Activism and will be speaking on October 25th at the Poe Museum and then also tabling at the Hallows Market on the 27th.

Book Here! Looking for reviews, distribution, and readings!

My bewk is here! I want to do a give away…so please follow me, tag a friend in the comments who might like the book, and share this post to be entered to win a copy! Hot off the haiku presses!! Also available for sale on Amazon! Check it out over 700 poems

#giveaway #haiku #poetry #rva #writer #author #poet #radical #anarchist #vegan #southern #queer #genderqueer #theythem #poem #bookofpoems