Posts tagged ‘feminist’

My Old Book Now Newly Published!

Yall, I thought I had lost all digital copies of my old book, The South is Still Rising: Radical and Anarchist Movements in Richmond, VA from 1994-2004. The independent, IWW union print shop I used to publish the first 2 editions is out of business. Thanks to extra time during this quarantine, I have been able to find it!! And the cover artwork my friend Will Gowdy designed for me! So now my book is available on amazon as a paperback and kindle as an ebook. I am not loving amazon, but I do not have another way I can afford to get my book out there into the world at this time. There are hard copies of this and my newer haiku book at Small Friend Books and Records and Chop Suey Books two local Richmond book stores I love.

Amazon link here:

The South is Still Rising Book

This book was something I researched and wrote as my Div 3 at Hampshire College – basically a senior thesis if you will. It has info on food not bombs, civil rights, critical mass, queer liberation, earth liberation, anti war and other movements in Richmond. Please review and rate if you have read it, and consider buying to help me out if you can


Tom and Jerry a

Refreshing change from modern

Kids cartoon styling








Commute lengthened by

Frequent stops at dumpsters for

Survival supplies


Car full of dog food

And carbohydrates. Dumpster

Determines diet


Dumpsters stress me out

I want to rescue all the

Food. This system sucks!


Dogs as bed warmers

Are really the best thing. They

Bring such soft comfort.

Vegan72 Celebration in RVA -Jan 26

Hey y’all!

Local Vegan Action in Richmond has a 72 hour vegan event coming up later this month. Most of the 72 hours is various restaurants featuring vegan food. I am most excited about the event on Saturday the 26th from 12-6 at the Highpoint. Author Carol J. Adams will be speaking! I read many of her books years ago and think her work is super important and great. There will also be a vegan Bazaar and talk from the Herbivorious Butcher folks too!

More here:

If you are vegan and want to get a little bit more political about it, want to explore the intersectionality of animal rights with other causes, want meet local vegan friends, or just want some tasty snacks, this event is going to be great!

If you aren’t vegan this is a great opportunity to come learn more about the vegan diet, politics, and lifestyle!!!