Archive for January, 2014

Don’t Wanna Pay $35 to use a Public Park? Stop the Privatization of Monroe Park

Check out my new article about the proposed privatization of Monroe Park being pushed by Richmond’ elites!
Don’t Privatize Monroe Park


Winter Time: Cabin Fever Got You Down?

While I wasn’t discussing veganism tonight, I was simultaneously painting my dining room and writing about painting my dining room! Pictures from some of my past projects and tips on how to get started painting included! And if you aren’t up to doing it yourself, I can always be hired ; )

2013 Accomplishments and 2014 Goals and Resolutions

25 Things I Accomplished in 2013

  1. Went to Puerto Rico and saw lots of friends and had fun
  2. Went to Key West with family and got to spend time with Marty and had fun
  3. Went to the beach with Josh to see my grandparents
  4. Went camping with Josh and the dogs
  5. Went to the mountains for my birthday to relax
  6. Went to Boston for Thanksgiving to meet Josh’s family
  7. Built a back deck on the house
  8. Built bee hives and put 2 in my backyard
  9. Wrote my first poetry zine
  10. Competed in 2 haiku contests
  11. Supported multiple friends’ campaigns on kickstarter or other similar websites
  12. Brought lots and lots of food into the neighborhood for free distribution
  13. Spent a good amount of time at the river
  14. Had a good relationship with Mitch that ended on good terms
  15. Met Josh and have that good relationship still
  16. Learned a ton of carpentry skills
  17. Started my own website and started writing more
  18. Got work fixing old windows and built confidence about my ability
  19. Got a job as Associate Editor at Quail Bell Magazine
  20. Volunteered with Earth First! Journal, Started writing for Profane Existence
  21. Went to the March Against Monsanto, the May Day Parade, the March Against Mass Incarceration, the Halloween Parade, and a bunch of Critical Mass bike rides – spent positive time occupying the streets!
  22. Bought a bus
  23. Got rid of a bunch of things that I didn’t need
  24. Built cat houses and started feeding local cats
  25. Cooked a lot of Food Not Bombs meals, including catering for the People’s Library, RePHRAME, Trans Day of Rememberance, and the Fast Food Worker’s Strike.

And hugely, met and got to spend time with a lot of very different, very awesome people. I learned from everyone. Sometimes it was a learning what not to do, or what to avoid in the future, but hey, now I know. There were some narrowly avoided dangers and potentially really bad things that got rescued, and for that I am ever thankful. If you were a part of my life in 2013, thank you, I hope your 2014 is one filled with self-care and positive thoughts and community engagement.

100 New Years Goals and Resolutions 2014

A combination of simple tasks, lifestyle changes, and things I need to remember to do. Hold me to it yall!

  1. Get the Truck fixed and running again
  2. Get the bus fixed and inspected
  3. Go to Plan-it-x fest in June in Bloomington
  4. Plant perennial herbs around the property in the spring
  5. Make a Free Little Library for the front of the house  Buy plexiglass to make door to finish
  6. Do 25 sit ups a day (more…)