Archive for August, 2013

untitled poem

Fast food strikes,
 martin luther king jr, civil rights, 
syria, military machine, people getting hustled, 
friend mugged, 
friends lost to drugs,
 stadium on sacred burial ground, vcu taking over this town, and the people in charge might be brown but they still work for capitalism and keeping their brothers and sisters down. 
 We need an autonomous zone. A place to call our own. Where they can't take our friends away and we can keep eachother safe. People are scared and rightly so wed rather live to see our babies grow. But we won't get that anyways the odds arent good. Babies don't last long in a nuclear gmo capitalist pesticide neighborhoods. If you make it past the police and the jails a life of working to be exploited awaits you. Until we work together the worst fate of our neighbor is ours too.

Planting Honesty Article

Here is an article I wrote which was recently published by style weekly magazine.

Suggestion for Councilwoman Mosby my response to Councilwoman Mosby as interviewed by NBC 12 here:


More police and more jail beds will never solve crime in Richmond. We need jobs, we need dignity, and we need education. Community will solve crime, not laws or encouraging people to call 911 when they see something suspicious. People of color, especially young men of color are already disproportionately targeted by the RPD who engage in unethical stop and frisk tactics. We already spend too much on police. We should be trying alternatives like mediation, counselling, mental healthcare access, etc. And calling on and supporting existing organizations like the Richmond Peace Education Center and ROSMU to help in developing alternatives to 911 and guides for building strong communities.

I would love to meet to discuss further.


Mo Karnage