Archive for October, 2017


Quilted country sky

Puts paper towels to shame

False advertising.
Yes, I did insult

The quicker picker upper

Clouds absorb WAY more


Try this for morning

Meditation. Water and feed

Plants and animals
Country morning means

Dew damp shoes and slow sunrise

Ease into the day


ethereal specter,

haunted by the past, ghosted

but not forgotten


trunk or treat is not

the same, Halloween has grown

too tame.  mischief brews

Rural Haiku

Did you know that in

Rural areas you may 

not get a landline
Rural cell service 

Is unreliable to 

Say the least. It sucks.
Best chance to access

Internet is to drive some

Where in the city
Verizon cell phones

Used to work, but they changed the

Strength. More dropped calls now.
Century Link is 

The biggest joke on rural

Folks. Bad internet. 
Then again I don’t 

Want to always be online

So it’s not so bad.


That which drains the life

From you is the scariest

Vampire of them all

Ashland/Hanover Train Conversation Needs to Be Derailed

The growing issue of the potential expansion of train tracks for the DC2RVA Rail project being run through Ashland/Hanover is a terrible idea. The proposals have been slowly evolving as there is some public feedback given. The general gist of it is that they want to add a new train track or two through the area, for a commuter train to go between Richmond and Washington D.C.. The new track is suggested to either go through downtown Ashland along the existing rails, which would likely completely change the adorable and historic downtown of Ashland, or to go West around Ashland, which would slice and dice people’s farm land, homes, and section off properties potentially making them inaccessible and devalued.

Unfortunately the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) aspect of human nature has been exploited to divide the people of the affected regions in Hanover County.

 This is best shown by the bizarre nature of the website “Save Downtown Ashland”. This website is terrible. Apparently the Town of Ashland is happy to throw everyone potentially affected by the Western Bypass idea under the bus, or train in this case. If you take a look at the website you will quickly see how one sided the issue is presented, and how little information about the issue is given. If you want to have your voice heard by the folks in the various transportation boards, the website tailors you potential responses to fit their agenda. If you choose the option of writing your own email, it still auto fills your subject line with a pro Western Bypass message. This website is a super example of NIMBY behavior. The problem is, you don’t want to BE a super example of NIMBY behavior. Especially if you are interested in things like building healthy communities, good communication, and mutual respect.

 The greater good of the people in Ashland AND Hanover is not supported by the train plans that have been proposed. 



Skeletons in the

Graveyard- not as scary as

Closet skeletons 


Have to enter the

Barn of snakes to dig out my

Halloween decorations
My lifestyle comes with

Enough spiderwebs and snake 

skins to scare most kids


Trick or treat smell my

Feet give me something good to 

Eat. It’s tradition.


Skeletons dance with

Clacking bones and black hole eyes

No meat on their thighs
Full moon rises and

The werewolves howl it’s time to

Run and eat and growl