Posts tagged ‘spooky’

Vegan queer witch in RVA

No, not me. Well, yes, me. But an out of town visitor I am very excited about is coming next weekend! David Salisbury is the author of Witchcraft Activism and will be speaking on October 25th at the Poe Museum and then also tabling at the Hallows Market on the 27th.

Vegan queer witch in RVA

No, not me. Well, yes, me. But an out of town visitor I am very excited about is coming next weekend! David Salisbury is the author of Witchcraft Activism and will be speaking on October 25th at the Poe Museum and then also tabling at the Hallows Market on the 27th.


Skeletons in the

Graveyard- not as scary as

Closet skeletons 


Have to enter the

Barn of snakes to dig out my

Halloween decorations
My lifestyle comes with

Enough spiderwebs and snake 

skins to scare most kids


Skeletons dance with

Clacking bones and black hole eyes

No meat on their thighs
Full moon rises and

The werewolves howl it’s time to

Run and eat and growl


In 5th grade I wore

Garlic on a thread around

My neck. Vampire fear.


Pumpkins growing out

Of compost heaps might be the

Most magickal of all