Archive for September, 2018

Breakfast Smoothie!

#recipe for my current favorite #smoothie pictured here can be found on my #patreon -yummm
#vegan #glutenfree
#healthy #warming #iron #healthyfood #eatsmart #breakfastsmoothie #ginger #antioxidant #veganfood #veganrecipes #weirdo #cook #southern

Tear this country apart

tear this country apart

Trigger warning for Amerikkka

Trigger warning don’t read the paper

Or listen to NPR

If a constant barrage of sexual assault and violence

Isn’t what you want to hear about. Stay off of social media

And planet Earth too

Rapist in Chief?


Trigger warning for Amerikkka

Trigger warning don’t read the paper

Or listen to NPR

If a constant barrage of sexual assault and violence

Isn’t what you want to hear about. Stay off of social media

And planet Earth too

Rapist in Chief?


What kind of a world is like this

My friends reveal their worst traumas publicly to try to make a political point to people with their thumbs in their ears or watching fox news or guilty of similar crimes themselves.

Patriarchal rape culture is amerikkkan culture

If you didn’t see that before maybe you will now

Get the old white rapist guys out of office and power

They are becoming emboldened

Teach boys to not rape

Teach girls to not rape

Teach everyone that gender is a social construct

But by god we have constructed a monster

Frankenstein of masculinity blames women no matter what

Kangaroo court I reject your courts and a system clearly designed to uphold rape

Drink tea and take some.time in nature away from extra rape culture onslaught if you need

Join the clamor of me too and why I didn’t report

Cultural change does happen and I think this is how

With some follow through and many brave people

Who won’t back down

Today’s haiku

New haiku on my Patreon!


Please check out my Patreon and throw some cashola my way! Http://

It supports my writing and definitely motivates me to write more.



I would rather die

Sweaty and dehydrated

Than endorse H Vac

No matter how much

You insulate suffering

Is cheap and it’s green.


Toddler happiest

Playing outside in the dirt

Life lessons abound

Birthday Haiku

32 years on

This ball of dirt with the rest

of you trash humans

Hoping for a few

More 32 years to go

I like this lifestyle

Fortunate as well

As crazy enough to have

Seen and done much here

But there is still much

To be seen, adventures to

Be had, life to live


Warm apple cider

Reishi and cinnamon hopes

For strong winter fire