Posts tagged ‘protest’

My Old Book Now Newly Published!

Yall, I thought I had lost all digital copies of my old book, The South is Still Rising: Radical and Anarchist Movements in Richmond, VA from 1994-2004. The independent, IWW union print shop I used to publish the first 2 editions is out of business. Thanks to extra time during this quarantine, I have been able to find it!! And the cover artwork my friend Will Gowdy designed for me! So now my book is available on amazon as a paperback and kindle as an ebook. I am not loving amazon, but I do not have another way I can afford to get my book out there into the world at this time. There are hard copies of this and my newer haiku book at Small Friend Books and Records and Chop Suey Books two local Richmond book stores I love.

Amazon link here:

The South is Still Rising Book

This book was something I researched and wrote as my Div 3 at Hampshire College – basically a senior thesis if you will. It has info on food not bombs, civil rights, critical mass, queer liberation, earth liberation, anti war and other movements in Richmond. Please review and rate if you have read it, and consider buying to help me out if you can


God’s chosen people

Choosing to murder any

One good didn’t pick.

Post-protest self care

Hey y’all

 If you saw the person get killed today, or witnessed violence, or suffered violence, chances are high you have been traumatized.

 You may not make the best choices in this state. You may need to do your self care. You may need to step back. 

Damage from this sort of shit is real but it doesn’t have to totally rule you. Your mental health is important. Slow down to take care. 

If you feel totally frantic, urgent, adamant, you may really be the one who needs a time out for self care. Ask for help if you need it.

Where do we go from here

Friday night, looking at my Facebook feed I was seeing a lot from friends about the white supremacists rally in nearby Charlottesville. And I had an really terrible foreboding feeling well up in my stomach. My gut said no, no one should go. I posted on Facebook kind of warning people, that was how strong the intuition was. I knew I wasn’t going to really stop anyone from going but I felt the urge to try.

Saturday morning I felt conflicted. If this is a major civil rights issue of our era, a pinnacle moment, a line in the sand,  I wanted to be there. I did not want to avoid a protest or be silent in the face of hatred. There were a ton of people I love and respect planning on attending. I want my kids to live in a better world, and I want to be proud of the legacy I leave them. Several different religious and political groups I know and respect were making a presence. And hearing more about the tiki torch wielding Nazis from Friday night at UVA, and their intentional use of that fear inducing imagery was really hard.  I had a friend message me upset that I was discouraging folks from attending. I felt a lot of pressure to show up.  So we made a last minute decision and I threw my medic bag together and we took the baby to his grandma’s house.

We parked strategically away from the sites of protest once in Charlottesville and walked in. I wanted to find the place where some of my friends were meeting in a church. I had been told that earlier that morning things were calm there. Not knowing Charlottesville well we ended up where the white supremacists were gathered being confronted by counter protesters in Emancipation park. I immediately wanted to burst into tears.



White supremacists

Coming to town. Effective

Strategy unclear
Hyperbole hurts

The movement against the right

Can we be calm or?
Identify the 

Threat, the issue, the problem

Then act to combat.
All supremacy

Increases delusions and 

Suffering. It’s wack.
Maybe our side would

Do better to build our own

Communities up
Anti everything

Or only active against

Is not so useful
It is good to be

Outraged, but that fear may not

Be the best start place.
Find some love within

And act from there to build up

And speak out as well


Attention seekers

Should perhaps be ignored so

As to not reward