Posts tagged ‘herbal conference’

Gaia Gathering 2022

Very excited to be part of the amazing organizing team for the 2022 Gaia Gathering of the Blue Ridge!

Check it out and sign up for a ticket when registration goes live, tickets will go fast!

Register for Kitchen Witch Workshop!!!

Sign up for my upcoming workshop here: Sign Up

Deep South Herbal Conference is bad herbalist practice.

I got this from @mapletwigmedicinals on Instagram. Please see their feed for more info. They got the info from @herbanhealing @rootsofresistance @pauladiaz_herbalist – please check out these and other BIPOC for more info

This came to my attention today. I am not a huge Herbalism conference attendee, because I can not afford to be. As a southerner, a white southerner, and an herbalist this conference, with it’s undiverse line up, location, and horrid policy is an insult. This is not what Southern Herbalism is, this is what a bad version of Southern Herbalism is. The organizer who’s name I see is Darryl Patton who goes by The Southern Herbalist. Honestly that title pisses me off, just with the exclusivity and hierarchical nature of “The” as if he was crowned southern herbal king. Nope. Does not represent me. I am a southern herbalist and I honor the many who came before me, and the many alive still who have preserved and shared the practices and knowledge of Herbalism.


2017 Gaia Women’s Gathering Herbal Conference

This herbal conference is coming up very soon. May 5-7 please register asap to get a here for the registration and website: Gaia Gathering

I will be teaching two courses which I am very excited about. My bio and the course descriptions are below:

Mo Karnage is a new mom living on a farm, the Heathen Homestead, in Beaverdam, VA. Mo is a sober, vegan, queer, genderqueer, witchy zine loving anarchist. Mo is working on balancing construction, activism, writing and herbalism in their life.”

“Know Your Rights Workshop


This workshop will teach attendees, through a series of interactive skits, what their rights are when dealing with the police, and how to best assert their rights to protect themselves. This workshop comes from the non hierarchical organization of Copwatch, and is a great starting point for anyone learning to drive or becoming politically active.”

“Prisons, PTSD/PICS, and Herbs: A Growing Need


This workshop will address the situation within the U.S. Prison Industrial Complex, explore how and how much this results in instances of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Post Incarceration Syndrome, and where herbalism can fit in as a potential method to reduce rates of recidivism. Herbal medicine has a strong potential to intervene in the viscious cycles of trauma and incarceration, and help make the world a better place for everyone. Some of the descriptions in this workshop may be upsetting or triggering to folks, so please feel free to leave the room as needed, and to ask for support.”